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Friday, July 17, 2009


This cartoon, unfortunately, reflects my current state. Gastroenteritis is not a good thing to have, especially when you have a 24-hour duty the next day.

Hopefully, things will settle down soon. No more food in RMO’s/canteen/Milan. That’s my ten thousandth declaration.


Hibakusha Pigmeat said...

haha....coincidentally, ive also been suffering from gastro for quite sometime now

i wonder how long its gonna be before your 10001st declaration ...

Ananya said...

Hey AMAZING cartoons...i'm really speechless...these cartoons really made my day (night!)...i especially loved the puns on sirvix and serclarge! keep going...hope ur gut settles down soon :-)

Aniruddha Agarwal said...

@ Tragic life...: ~:( Hopefully, Aditi NX is better...

@ Ananya: Thanks! Thanks a lot!