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Sunday, July 5, 2009



mgeek said...

Nice idea to have a separate blog for this.

I hope someday you will stop asking for visual verification for posting comments. It's tedious. Especially if I am surfing thru my cellphone.

P.S. Thanks Ani, for the heads up via sms.

P.P.S. Thanks to Opera Mini.

Aniruddha Agarwal said...

Visual verification is disabled :-)

MIA said...

good work :)

Arps said...

Ahhh...For a long time..i really thought that CPD really meant a kid with a small head and big butt..


Aayushi Mehta said...

LOL! You called his condition cephalopelvic disproportion! Brilliant dude! I can think of a lot of people is real life who must be having this type of CPD. Lol.