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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Twenty Two

I hope you remember Dr. Serclage. I think most people have a memory better than mine – at least that’s what my pharmacology textbook has made me realise.

At the moment I’m really freaked out – it’s after I drew the cartoon I realised that Gonecase has one foot in the air, sort of. Never mind, as long has both his hands are in the pocket. His own pocket.


Anonymous said...

i really like the name here : GONECASE . and his teeth too !

mgeek said...

You know, hands in one's own pocket, if kept for more than a certain period, IS creepy...

Hibakusha Pigmeat said...

he's probably playing table tennis .

Aniruddha Agarwal said...

Gonecase has just found new friends :-)

Hibakusha Pigmeat said...

noone laughed at the table tennis joke ?!!!!!