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Friday, August 28, 2009


My parents used to call me a cockroach when I was young. Simply because I had this unusual habit of feeling hungry at around 1 am – everyday, without fail, when everyone was, obviously, fast asleep. I used to hunt for food in the kitchen, refrigerator and the good old snacks cupboard. I don’t know why I’m reminded of this sick fact now.

I’ve read somewhere that cockroaches are fast; coordination between their four (or is it more?) limbs is amazing. I can’t imagine how some people can actually eat them… yikes.

I hope you know what you’re supposed to do when you get a feeling that your commode is hungry. So what if it’s 1 am?

(This is probably the most random stuff I’ve ever written. And posted.)


Unknown said...

Hahahahaha.. Commode is hungry :P

mgeek said...

I used to do the same... but thankfully my parents never called me cockroach. (Well, at least not straight in my face) :)

workhard said...

yuk... people eat cockroaches????

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Aniruddha Agarwal said...

@Workhard: I saw it on TV when I was young!

Try searching Youtube for some disgusting videos!