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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Twenty One

I have a reason to believe that most medical students are perverts, if not anything else.

Some purists may be up in arms against me after reading this; it might offend some geniuses. But, dudes, you haven’t paid me for anything.

I can cite some examples, but I won’t – because I know one of you is just waiting to report this blog and put an end to my creative bravura. Creative – haha :)

Until next time – remember that a horse can’t bend its knees. If you can’t too – go for a DNA test.


Arps said...

Ahaa... finally a post in English!! (I was beginning to feel that the comic was hi-jacked by the MNS!)

And yes. Have a reason to believe that most med students are perverts. And also gone cases in the literal sense. :p

Unknown said...

I can vouch for this.!!
meds are pervs! most!

Aniruddha Agarwal said...

@ Arps: Ya, the marathi gal was poked in the head n now she's no longer alive :)

@ Misanthropist: How come so confident? :p